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Panchakarma - Charakass

What is Panchakarma?

Pancha means “Five” and Karma means “Action”, it refers to five actions or five treatments. Panchakarma refers to the five actions that helps to cleanse the body, removes impurities and keeps the body and mind healthy. It purifies the tissues at a very deep level.
Panchakarma flushes out the toxins completely, balances doshas, relieves stress, eliminates impurities, reduces weight, speeds up the metabolism and boosts immunity.

Why Panchakarma treatment at Charakass Ayurvedic?

Panchakarma is one of the treatment which is considered as the vital pillar in Ayurveda due to its benefits. Charakass Ayurvedic helps you to make feel calm, lose weight naturally, eliminate extra fat, glowing skin and much more benefits with the Panchakarma treatment from the experienced therapists.

What kind of Panchakarma treatments are available?

Panchakarma treatments is done in three stages – Purva Karma (Preparatory), Pradhana Karma (Main Therapy) and Paschat Karma (Rejuvenation). The major therapies are: Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Nasya, Swedana, Vasthi, Udvartanam, Pizhichil, UroVasthi, and so on.

BENEFITS OF Panchakarma

Removes Root Cause

Identify the root cause vulnerability for the disease and removes the root cause completely without any negatives.

Boosts Immune System

Panchakarma treatment boosts the immunity, strengthen the individual by building the healthy system.

Removes Body Toxins

Treatment flushes out the harmful body toxins completely. Helps to rejuvenate both physically and mentally.

Improves Skin Complexion

Due to the medicated treatment and oils, you can notice a change or improvement in the skin complexion or skin tone.

Flexibility of Joints

Panchakarma relieves the stress from your mind and body. This gives flexibility to all the joints and keeps healthy.

Improves Sleep Pattern

Panchakarma helps to alleviate Insomnia, anxiety and other mental problems. It improves a better sleep pattern.