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Ayurveda - Charakass

What is Ayurveda?

Ayur means “Life” and Veda means “Science or Knowledge”, which is “Life Knowledge” or “Life Science”. Ayurveda, the life of science was started about 5000+ years ago and this was first documented in the Rig Veda. Ayurveda, an alternative medicine, is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent.

Who can take Ayurveda Medicine or Ayurveda Therapy?

Anyone who have any kinds of ailments can gets treated. Each person needs a different line of treatment. The Ayurvedic intervention is unique to each individual.
Ayurveda aims to help us lead a balanced state of Life. The goal of Ayurveda is to help each person attain, a Balanced Way of Life and the ability to correct imbalances when they occur.

How Ayurveda Medicine or Ayurveda Therapy works?

Ayurveda, the holistic medicine system approach is an unique method and it does its magical therapy in a different way. It doesn’t work on the symptoms of an ailment. Instead it goes to the root cause for the disease and heals from it.
Ayurveda believes when the Life is disturbed, it leads to a disease. So, it helps to restore the balance and heals naturally, without any side effects.

BENEFITS OF Ayurveda Therapy

Promote Physical Health

Ayurveda aims to promote good health. It aims to prevent disease. It boosts up immunity and personal hygiene.

Promote Mental Health

Rejuvenates mind and body. Ayurveda lays emphasis on a healthy, balanced diet. It promotes good mental health.

No Side Effects

Advantage of this holistic therapy is it doesn’t cause any side effects. It uses only the natural medicinal herbs.

Proper Metabolism

Consuming a combination of herbal treatments and exercise gently boosts metabolism and helps to stay healthy.

Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

Recalibrate the body and promotes balanced lifestyle with a combination of healthy diet, medicinal herbs and Panchakarma.

Reduce Body Toxins

Ayurveda deals with eliminating the body toxins. It also promotes internal cleansing for a improved, healthy life.